Thank you for tuning in to Braes Records Radio, today playing Braes Records Ground Floor live from Braes Records…
Ladies and gentle-en, on bass & modular synth, bringing us the good grooves, the magnificent Brae Woods
On Electric Lap Steel Guitar, the lady with the craziest playing, Deb Akey
on the samplers and microphones, atmospheric sandwich connoisseur, the Mercurian YS Kilmarnock
on the boards and the code, SD’s Saturn Station founder, researcher, and creative sound coder, SD Hopeton
on the Synths, our Thereminister, archaeologist, and Video-creator, FD Hopeton,
on the granular drums and No Input Mixing Board, DW Hopeton,
and leading the band is Braes Records founder JD Fuller
we’re club akirat.
some of our recent Club Akirat releases:
dw hopeton – the hope tones for no input mixing board and granular drums
sd hopeton, dw hopeton, & fd hopeton – saturn family (ISFSA 2094 SSS V.1)
deb akey trio (deb akey, fd hopeton, & dw hopeton) – memory
sd hopeton – live from sd’s saturn station… sd’s analysis
fd hopeton & brae woods – duet for pitch shifted theremin & bass guitar
jd fuller & kisatrix – tropical storm (feat. all of Club Akirat)

in all seriousness, here is JD’s working CV description of Club Akirat:
Self-improvisational composition and skill independent progress through experimentation with instrument-assigned fictional characters, visual doubling, and composition with differentiated styles in mind. Six characters have fully formed identities and musical decision making processes I express relation to, while an additional four, I do not. Several of these characters have fictional record labels and record pressing companies, and several are, within the lore, from Saturn and Mercury. Club Akirat is at the moment a personal project so that I may explore different techniques and continue progression, however, eventually I plan to convert it into some automated software for character-based digital improvisation or into a system to allow composers to improvise with themselves through iterative recordings with a different task to fulfill in each successive iteration.